I am neither educated nor qualified to teach you about mental health. I am just me.. Marleen.. A mum of 1 husband, 2 dogs, 3 kids and a rabbit.. But I was once very depressed and when I look back, struggling with my mental health since I was very young. I have been on the mental health roller coaster so many times that over the years I picked up a few tips and trick I believe truly helps me staying on top of it. I can only share what works for me and you may take this as suggestions only. These are tips based on staying on top of your mental health. Initially you may need to see a medical professional to access your situation. If you struggle with your mental health I do suggest seeing a doctor to make sure you get the right treatment and help you need but maybe some of the tips and tricks that works for me, will also work for you.
A curse word for many and it was for me as well for many years. Due to injuries and constant pain I simply felt I couldn't exercise. But many of us think of the word "exercise" and equate that with the gym, long hours and lots of blood, sweat and tears.. I know i did.. But that is NOT what is needed. A gentle stroll around the garden, a walk around the block, a few simple stretches can be enough to start with. Exercise releases the happy hormones called Endorphins. They are pretty much the body's own drug and the more you use them the better they get. The more you exercise the more you will want to exercise.. You need to take the first step though and the first step is always the hardest. So make a plan, schedule it into your day and set a timer so there is no excuses. You may have to try a few different options/classes/tempos, but once you find that exercise that you enjoy, it wont feel like a chore at all. They don't call exercise natures best anti depressant for nothing, so get moving.
This one is one many of us truly overlook. Fresh air is magical. It has a whole load of of medical benefits, like helping digestion, improve blood pressure and heart rate, strengthen the immune system and many other amazing things. But for me it is all about clearing the cob webs from the brain. A gentle walk outside will combine the exercise and fresh air. The gentle rhythm of putting one foot in front of the other while I just let my mind wander.. Magical.. But equally I love nothing better than to wrap up and just sit in the garden with a cup of tea listening to the birds and the sea (which I am blessed to have in my back garden).
Studies have shown that music can truly affect your mood and help fight depression. (I read that on google) But if you think about it it makes sense. Just think of when you want to set the mood at a romantic dinner.. Love songs.. You want to get the party started.. Dance music.. See.. We use music to set the tone.. SO!! Set the tone for YOU.. Make a playlist on Spotify or (as I do) buy the individual songs that makes you feel like bursting into song. Make a playlist on your phone, a happy playlist so when you are feeling blue and the mind is going into dark places, stick on that playlist and instantly lift your mood. And if you do a little dance while your listening.. Exercise sorted lol.
4. DRINK WATER I know this one seem a bit strange.. What does drinking water have to do with mental health.. I don't actually know all the technical stuff but I do know that dehydration is the root to most evil.. And you may not think you are dehydrated.. But unless you diligently drink 6-8 glasses of water EACH day (no skipping or replacing it with alcohol at the weekends) chances are you will have a level of dehydration. Being hydrated makes your whole body and mind work far more smoothly, you will FEEL much better and a lot of small aches and pain will go away. Just like with the exercise you need to plan into your daily routine to drink the water. It will soon come as second nature but initially, set an alarm on your phone if you need. I personally measure out my water in both 1/2L bottles and cups each morning and carry it around with me when needed. I drink mainly sparkling water as I found that a great replacement for soft drinks but I occasionally will have a cup with added diluted juice in it too.
"WHAT!" I hear you scream.. "How will thinking positive help my depression.. Its not like i can just think myself happy" Well let me tell ya... You CAN!! No, it can in NO WAY cure your depression or anxiety. It can by no mean fix mental health problems, but just like with all the other suggestions, this little nugget of wisdom is yet another building block to keep our mental heath in order. Are you naturally a "glass half empty" kind a person?? I am! When a problem or an obstacle arise, my brain naturally think doom and gloom. It thinks problems and stress and over time that will affect my mental health. However with practice, when a problem arise... No i cant change my natural instinct, so brain still think doom and gloom, I take a deep breath (or 10) and force myself to find something positive in the situation. Sometimes its a matter of "ok.. so its raining and my plans for the day are ruined.. but at least the plants and grass is getting watered and the rivers filled up" Totally irrelevant to my day BUT positivity breeds positivity. In time this too also becomes easier and I have found that my natural anxiety levels has gone down a lot since I began this. 6. GRATITUDE
It is as it says on the tin.. Be grateful for what you have. Don't wallow in what you don't, instead work hard to get what you dream off. This too is a practice and to start it can help writing it down. Simply find a few things each day you are grateful for. It can be big and small, it can be personal or about others, or things.. or the weather. It doesn't matter. The main thing is to focus on what you are grateful for.
Ok this one is a whole science in it self so its easier to explain by telling you my story.. bear with me..
My chosen exercise became martial arts. Jujitsu. The top coach over Ireland started studying breathing many years ago, initially I assume to improve his own health and training. His name is David Toney and he is now a certified breathing coach as well as a martial arts coach. Before the pandemic he started teaching breathing in combination with the martial arts and that is where I learned of breathing.
Breathing has such a HUGE impact on both your physical and mental health. Breathing calms the whole body and mind and with training you can correct many things within yourself.
I will link you to David's website HERE. That will link you strait to his page where he explains a bit more and much better than I can.. But you know the old saying of take a deep breath while counting to 10? Ya that's why.. While counting and breathing you naturally calms everything down and that once we start doing that mindfully, on purpose, every day, magic happens..
These tips and trick is what I keep in my arsenal of tools to use every single day, to manage my mental health. There are many more factors that plays in of course, like learning to speak up, learning to say no, or yes, selfcare and so on. Some of my tips may work for you, other may not, and equally you may have a whole arsenal of your own that would, or not, work for me.
Managing once mental health takes a lot of time and dedication. It is a, in my personal opinion, a life long commitment. But take good care of your mental and physical well being and I truly believe you will reap the benefits.
And that is it for today. Thank you for popping by Marleen x